
Well, I guess we jumped straight back into the fast lane after our spontaneous weekend away back in August.  It’s been 77 days since our escape to the country. And in case it’s not obvious from that day count, I’m ready to go back. Since that’s not going to happen any time soon, I figured I’d post some more photos…… Read more →

When the fast lane makes you hit reverse

“Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward.” (Erika Taylor) Us Strydoms have been living life in the fast lane. I like the fast lane. It’s exciting and, well, it’s fast. And I like fast. But life in the fast lane is demanding and leaves little time for others. In some ways, it’s helped that Sue has… Read more →

How to help eliminate fear

America. The Land of the Free. The home we were either born into or we made a decision to adopt. Either way, it’s a privilege to be here… and to get to stay here. For the most part, we’ll never have to look over our shoulder to see who’s following us on the way to work. We’ll never be more… Read more →

Peru 4.0 – Lovely lovely Lima

One of our favorite places: Lima. More specifically, Miraflores. That’s not to say we don’t like other areas of the city… but Miraflores is where we stay each time, so we’ve come to love its cosmopolitanness (made up word?), its narrow streets with hand-polished sidewalks, its close proximity to the ocean, and the ability to walk everywhere. I can’t believe… Read more →

Peru 4.0 – We drink the water!

Apparently, I’ve never got far enough in my photo postings to have included any of our water celebrations – what we do when the clean water system is fully installed and operational. Gosh! I need to step up my game a little!! Here’s our last day in Pucallpa before heading to Lima…       Read more →

Peru 4.0 – Birds, beasts… and bananas!

We had a couple of hours to spare one afternoon, so we ooh’d and aah’d over the birds and beasts of Casa Shea… then roamed around the city on motokars, taking in the sights and sounds of Pucallpa…     Read more →

Peru 4.0 – Jungle fruit

More photos from last month’s trip to Peru. We went to Kids Alive to test their water, exploring the urgency of installing a clean water system there on a future visit. The Kids Alive team work hard, investing in the lives of over 350 local kids through homework help, sports programs and youth clubs in an area of the jungle that suffers… Read more →

Peru 4.0 – A Legacy of Hope

Quick note about these pics. We visited The Refuge of Hope – the school for handicapped kids where we put a clean water system in last year. Much of the place is pretty dark, so some photos leave a little to be desired in terms of clarity and focus. But I’ve included them anyway since they all help paint a picture of… Read more →

Peru 4.0 – The Indian Center and Peki-Pekis

Here’s the next installment of pics from last month’s trip to Pucallpa, Peru. Again, I’ve added captions to some of the photos to give context, but if you’d like more information about (and/or more images from) the Indian Center or the peki-pekis, you can click on these links from earlier blogs (also any of the “2.0” posts). Enjoy!!     Read more →

Peru 4.0 – So good to be back!

“Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.” Marcus Tillius Cicero So, you may think we’ve been slacking on our blog duties… but no… according to the above quote, we’ve simply been putting in some overtime on practicing our conversation skills!! Actually, life has been insanely busy (yes – since last April!)… but we’ve also been extremely undisciplined when it… Read more →