Peet Strydom

Author: Peet Strydom

How to help eliminate fear

America. The Land of the Free. The home we were either born into or we made a decision to adopt. Either way, it’s a privilege to be here… and to get to stay here. For the most part, we’ll never have to look over our shoulder to see who’s following us on the way to work. We’ll never be more… Read more →

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Why you might wanna be like Job

The other day, as Sue and I were chatting about our day, she shared a takeaway from her women’s Bible study… yes, I said women’s Bible study. Who’d have ever thunk?!! 😉 Anyway, back to my point. She said they were talking about Job and God’s sovereignty; how God was the one who brought Job to Satan’s attention. God did… Read more →

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Downgraded Destiny

Throughout my life I’ve been taught, and have subsequently believed, that my destiny depended on me. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” As a Christian, I know God has a plan for my life. My destiny. BUT… Somewhere along the line, I’ve come to believe that I can thwart this destiny. That I can ruin God’s master… Read more →

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