Throughout my life I’ve been taught, and have subsequently believed, that my destiny depended on me.
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
As a Christian, I know God has a plan for my life. My destiny.
Somewhere along the line, I’ve come to believe that I can thwart this destiny.
That I can ruin God’s master plan. That if I screw up, my destiny gets downgraded. That if I screw up enough, God will be forced to renege on His hopes and dreams for me.
Then I found grace.
His grace is sufficient.
Christ did not die for me just to give up on me.
God does not have a second grade destiny for me.
Instead, He continues to invite and welcome me into His grace. Screw up after screw up, He reminds me of who I am. What He’s called me to do. Who He’s created me to be.
I am His and He is mine.
My destiny is secure.
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